We want to be a friendly place for people everywhere and help them find their next challenge!

We believe in the potential and power of a diverse and inclusive community


STEP 1 - Job Description

We send you the Job Description with all the requirements for the role.

STEP 2 - Application

You send us your resume and complete a set of questions that we will provide. This step helps us understand your skills, experience, and preferences better, allowing us to match you with the right opportunities.

STEP 3 - Interview

 We schedule a brief call to learn more about your background and ensure it's a perfect match. During this call, we also answer your questions and provide more details about the role & company.

STEP 4 - Meeting with Client

Taking your availability into account, we schedule your first meeting with the client.

STEP 5 - Comunication & Feedback

We'll stay connected, keep you updated and, provide guidance, throughout the entire process.

STEP 6 - Preparation for Your Arrival

We ensure everything is prepared for your smooth transition to joining the company.


Grow together

Human and personal

Access to amazing opportunities

Validated Talent

Active support

Be part of a fresh, talented, and fast-growing community. Become a Crocodile!

Communication is crucial for us, we take the time to talk with everyone. No bots.

We connect you with challenging projects from top and global companies.

Our community is validated by experts in three main areas: IT - Web3 & Finance - Marketing & Sales.

Croc is always with you. Our job is to accompany, empower, and help talents to develop and enhance their professional careers.



Let’s work together

Interested in working together? Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly! We can't wait to hear from you!